A medical doctor by education and a data scientist by trade, Reza finished his MD and attained Radiation Oncologist designation in Iran. After 12 years of practice, he immigrated to Canada where he finished his Masters degree in Health Informatics at the University of Victoria and is currently going through his Ph.D in the same field. His work in the past 15 years has been mostly in the development of data analysis and management frameworks for healthcare big data, including insurance, clinical, and pharmaceutical information sources. An expert in standards such as HL7, DICOM, and NCPDP, he has used this data to create inference and prediction models for various resources.
Reza holds a designation of Certified Professional in Healthcare Information and Management Systems (CPHIMS) from HIMSS, Certified Agile Professional from PMI, and Healthcare Applied Data Scientist from MIT. HIs main focus in the past couple of years has been Natural Language Processing of disease registries and insurance claims, signal processing of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) in muscle oxygenation using adversarial neural networks, and location prediction using Internet of Things signal triangulation.