Farnaz joined the Shadgan Lab as an MSc student in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.
- BSc, Cell and Molecular Biology, Shiraz University, Iran (2013 – 2017)
- MSc, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, The University of British Columbia (2019 – Present)
- ICORD Trainee Travel Award, International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries, 2021
- Best Poster Award, 1st place in Master’s category, ICORD Trainee Symposium, 2021
- UBC Faculty of Medicine Graduate Award, 2019
- UBC Faculty of Medicine Graduate Award, 2020
- Pathology Day Graduate Student Poster Award, 2021
Current Projects
- Evaluating the safety of a novel implantable sensor that is based on near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and monitors spinal cord hemodynamics and oxygenation.
Histological and Pathological Analysis of the Spinal Cord Tissue, Exploring Nature, Playing Piano.
Cheung, A., Tu, L., Sahragard, F., Macnab, A., Kwon, B. K., Shadgan, B. (2021). Detecting oxygenation changes after hypoxia: pulse oximetry vs. near-infrared spectroscopy. In Biophotonics in Exercise Science, Sports Medicine, Health Monitoring Technologies, and Wearables II (Vol. 11638, p. 116380K). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
Sahragard, F., Cheung, A., Streijger, F., Kwon, B., Shadgan, B. (2021). Testing the safety of a custom NIRS sensor designed to monitor spinal cord hemodynamics. In Optical Diagnostics and Sensing XXI: Toward Point-of-Care Diagnostics (Vol. 11651, p. 116510L). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
Cheung, A., Tu, L., Sahragard, F., Shadgan, B. (2020). Comparison of forearm muscle oxygenation dynamics during isometric and isotonic contractions monitored by near- ernational Society for Optics and Photonics.