Babak Shadgan

Dr. Babak Shadgan, MD, MSc, PhD, FSPIE, is a medical doctor specialized in Sports and Exercise Medicine, graduated from the Queen Mary College of the University of London with a Ph.D. in Experimental Medicine / Muscle Biophysics from the University of British Columbia (UBC). He completed an AO/ASIF Fellowship in Osteosynthesis at the “Center for Diagnosis and Out-patient Surgery”, Freiburg, Germany, and a fellowship on NIRS-Diffused Optical Tomography at Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging of Harvard University. His postdoctoral fellowship at ICORD was focused on remote optical monitoring of muscle dysfunction in people with spinal cord injury.

Dr. Babak Shadgan is a Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR) Scholar, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Orthopaedics at the UBC, an Associate faculty member at the UBC School of Biomedical Engineering, and a Principal Investigator at the International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries (ICORD), where he is directing the Implantable Biosensing Laboratory.  

Dr. Shadgan is a Fellow, an instructor, and a conference chair at the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE). He is an advocator of multidisciplinary networking and collaborations between biomedical engineering and clinical scientists for innovative and applied technology development in medicine. 

As an Olympic Sports Physician, leading Medical & Anti-Doping Commission of the International Olympic-Styles Wrestling (UWW), Dr. Shadgan has been serving elite athletes at world championships and Olympic Games since 2002.

With over 20 years of experience in medical practice and biomedical engineering research, Dr. Shadgan has developed specialized expertise in clinical biophotonics and advanced wearable and implantable multi-modal biosensing techniques. His research philosophy embraces a distinctive translational approach, seamlessly integrating insights from bedside to bench and back to bedside. Currently, Dr. Shadgan’s work focuses on the design and development of transcutaneous and implantable biosensors, as well as innovative interventions for continuous monitoring of skeletal muscles, the spinal cord, free tissue flaps, transplants, internal organ hemodynamics, metabolism, and targeted treatment delivery.

Among his contributions to photonics, Dr. Shadgan holds particular expertise in advancing the technical development, novel parameters, and clinical applications of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and near-infrared imaging (NIRI). These innovative techniques utilize light energy in the near-infrared spectrum to penetrate living tissues and measure the absorption and reflection of photons by chromophore molecules. By non-invasively tracking changes in oxygen supply, consumption, and regional tissue hemodynamics, NIRS and NIRI provide critical insights without disrupting or damaging tissue.

The analysis of optical signals also offers valuable information about tissue properties, especially during the acute phase of injuries or post-surgical recovery. For instance, following an acute spinal cord injury (SCI), insufficient blood flow and oxygenation can exacerbate neural damage. Enhancing spinal cord perfusion and oxygenation in the acute phase can significantly mitigate long-term complications and improve outcomes. Non-invasive techniques such as NIRS and NIRI can be pivotal in monitoring spinal cord tissue hemodynamics and oxygenation, offering transformative potential for acute injury management and recovery.

Dr. Shadgan is dedicated to leveraging his research program to drive innovations that enhance the monitoring of health and body functions in wellness and disease states. His research aspires to bridge the gap between clinical needs and technological innovation, enabling real-time, precise, noninvasive, and personalized monitoring of critical parameters such as tissue oxygenation, hemodynamics, metabolism, and function.


  • PhD, Experimental Medicine / Muscle Biophysics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (2006 – 2011)
  • Post-Graduate Diploma, Football Sports Medicine, Football Association, England (2002-2004)
  • MSc, Sports Medicine, University of London, London, England (2000 – 2001)
  • MD, Azad University – Tehran Medical School, Tehran, Iran (1987 – 1994)


  • Scholar, Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, Faculty of Medicine, UBC
  • Associate Faculty, School of Biomedical Engineering, UBC
  • Primary Investigator, International Collaborations on Repair Discoveries (ICORD)
  • Associate Faculty, Department of Pathology and Medical Laboratories, UBC
  • Staff Scientist, Vancouver Acute, Vancouver General Hospital
  • Fellow, The International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE)
  • Affiliated Faculty Member, School of Health Information Science, University of Victoria
  • Chairman, Medical Commission, International Federation of Olympic Wrestling Styles (UWW)

Active Professional Membership

  • International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) – Life Time Member 
  • Bionics Network, University of British Columbia, Principal Investigator Member 
  • Resuscitation Research Cluster, University of British Columbia, Partner Member 
  • The Texas Instruments Expert Advisory Panel (TI) – Invited Expert Member 
  • The Centre of Excellence for Simulation Education and Innovation (CESEI) 
  • Associate Member, Peter Wall Centre for Advanced Studies, UBC
  • Canadian National Transplant Research Program (CNTRP) 
  • Canadian Orthopaedic Association (COA) 
  • AO-International Spine 
  • The Society for Neuroscience (SFN) 
  • University of British Columbia, Alumni 
  • University of London, Convocation 

Awards & Recognition

  • UBC Faculty of Medicine Outstanding Academic Performance Award, 2023.
  • 2023 Project Grant, Canadian Institute of Health Sciences, 2023.
  • 2023 Translational Research Award, Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs, 2023.
  • IOC Appreciation Certificate, International Olympic Committee, Tokyo Olympic Games, 2021.
  • Appreciation Certificate, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2021.
  • Appreciation Certificate, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2021.
  • Own the Podium Research Award, 2020.
  • Wall Solutions Award, Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, 2020.
  • Community Champion Award, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2020.
  • New Faculty Award, UBC Faculty of Medicine, Vancouver, Canada, 2019.
  • Rick Hansen Institute Best & Brightest Award, 2019.
  • Scholar Award, Michael Smith Foundation & Rick Hansen Foundation, Canada, 2018.
  • Innovation Research Award, Canadian Urological Association, 2017.
  • NSERC Engage Research Award, Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada, 2017.
  • Innovation and Translational Research Award, Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute, 2017.
  • Innovator’s Challenge Award, Lumira Capital, Vancouver, Canada, 2017.
  • Academic Achievement Award, Isfahan Medical Sciences University, Iran, 2017.
  • NSERC Engage Research Award, Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada, 2016.
  • Transitional Research Award, Department of Defense Medical Research Program, USA, 2016.
  • IOC Appreciation Certificate, International Olympic Committee, 2016 Rio Olympic Games, 2016.
  • NSERC Engage Research Award, Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada, 2015.
  • Postdoctoral Award, Canadian Institute of Health, Canada, 2013.
  • Postdoctoral Award, Eye’s High Program, University of Calgary, Canada, 2013.
  • Technology Innovation World Cup, Munich, Germany, 2013.
  • Research & Travel Award, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 2013.
  • IOC Appreciation Certificate, International Olympic Committee, 2012 London Olympic Games, 2012.
  • BIOS Start-Up Challenge Award, International Society of Photonics and Optics (SPIE), 2012.
  • Best Poster Award, 87th Annual Meeting West Section American Urologic Association, 2011.
  • Postdoctoral Award, Michael Smith Foundation & Rick Hansen Foundation, Canada, 2011.
  • Best Poster Award, Annual Meeting of American Urologic Association (AUA), 2011.
  • 2010 D.J. Lovell Award, International Society of Photonics and Optics (SPIE), 2010.
  • 2010 DHRN Research Award, The Disabilities Health Research Network, Canada, 2010.
  • IOC Appreciation Certificate, International Olympic Committee, Vancouver Olympic Games, 2010.
  • 2009 VCHRI Rising Star Award, Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute, Canada, 2009.
  • IOC Appreciation Certificate, International Olympic Committee, 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, 2008.
  • Best Poster Award, Annual Meeting of American Urologic Association (AUA), 2008.
  • Senior Graduate Trainee Award, Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, 2007.
  • National Award, IRI Physical Education Organization, 2005.
  • IOC Appreciation Certificate, International Olympic Committee, 2004 Athens Olympic Games, 2004.
  • National Award, IRI Sports Medicine Federation, 2003.
  • Young Investigator Award, the XXVII FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine, 2002.
  • J. B. King Prize, The Gold Award, University of London, England, 2001.


  • BMEG-511: Fundamentals of Applied Pathophysiology in Biomedical Engineering, School of Biomedical Engineering, UBC.
  • BMEG-597: Master of Engineering Project Internship, School of Biomedical Engineering, UBC.
  • BMEG-554: Directed Study on Clinical NIRS, School of Biomedical Engineering, UBC.
  • MEDI-548: Directed Study on Biosensing, Experimental Medicine Program, UBC.
  • SC-1205: Fundamentals of Applied Pathophysiology in Optical Diagnostics, SPIE.

Research Interests & Activities
