Leili received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. in cell and molecular biology from Azad University in Tehran, Iran in 2005 and 2009, respectively. She received her second M.Sc. degree in regenerative medicine and technology (biomedical sciences) from Utrecht University, Netherlands in 2015. She then moved to Montreal, Canada and obtained her Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from Polytechnique of Montreal in 2018 with a thesis titled: “Freeze-dried chitosan Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) hybrids for meniscal repair in the preclinical ovine models”. She joined IBL in 2020 to work on the development of optical sports monitoring sensor and method for non-invasive evaluation of muscle metabolic fitness and function in elite athletes.
- PhD, Biomedical Engineering, Polytechnique Montreal, Montreal, Canada (2015 – 2018)
- MSc, Regenerative Medicine and Technology, Utrecht University & Eindhoven University, Utrecht, Netherlands (2012 – 2015)
- MSc, Cell and Molecular Biology, Azad University, Tehran, Iran (2006 – 2009)
- BSc, Cell and Molecular Biology, Azad University, Tonekabon, Iran (2001 – 2005)
- Best Poster Award, 2nd place in Postdoc category, ICORD Trainee Symposium, 2021
- Scholarship MITACS Elevate Postdoctoral, Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada, 2020 – 2021
- Technologies biom dicales M DITIS, Doctoral fellowship, Montreal, Canada, 2015 – 2018
- Research Group in Biomedical Sciences and Technologies (GRSTB) for Groupe de recherche en sciences et technologies biomédicales, Doctoral fellowship, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2015 – 2018
Current Projects
- Development of an optical sports monitoring sensor and method for non-invasive evaluation of muscle metabolic fitness and function in elite athletes
- Studying the accuracy of different thermometry methods for measuring body temperature
- Development of a novel biosensor for screening and early detection of COVID-19 patients in high-risk individuals living in long-term care homes.
- Low-intensity blood flow restriction exercise; a potential intervention for skeletal muscle development in people with incomplete spinal cord injuries.
Medical Device, Musculoskeletal Medicine, Tissue Engineering, Knee Implants, Histoprocessing, Medical Biosensors, Sport Medicine, Regenerative Medicine, Growth Factors, Stem Cell Biology, Yoga, Meditation, Hiking, Dancing, Exploring southwest British Columbia’s most beautiful trails.
Ghazi Zadeh, L., Chevrier, A., Lamontagne, M., Buschmann, M.D., Hoemann, C.D., Xavier Lacasse F., Lavertu M. (2019). Multiple platelet-rich plasma preparations can solubilize freeze-dried chitosan formulations to form injectable implants for orthopedic indications. Journal of Biomedical Materials and Engineering.
Ghazi Zadeh, L., Chevrier, A., Farr, J., Rodeo, S.A., Buschmann, M.D. (2017). Augmentation techniques for meniscus repair. Journal of Knee Surgery.
Ghazi Zadeh, L., Chevrier, A., Hurtig, M.B., Farr, J., Rodeo, S., Hoemann, C.D., Buschmann, M.D. (2017) Freeze-Dried Chitosan-PRP Injectable Surgical Implants for Meniscus Repair: Pilot Feasibility Studies in Ovine Models. Journal of Regenerative Medicine and Therapeutics.
Massumi, M., Hoveizi, E., Baktash, P., Hooti, A., Ghazi Zadeh, L., Nadri, S., Pourasgari, F., Hajarizadeh, A., Soleimani, M., Nabiuni, M., Khorramizadeh, M.R. (2014). Efficient programming of human eye conjunctiva-derived induced pluripotent stem (ECiPS) cells into definitive endodermlike cells. Experimental Cell Research.
Kadivar, M., Ghazi Zadeh, L. (2011). A study of graft possibility of human umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells into irradiated rats. Journal of Semnan University of Medical Sciences.
Forghani, N., Kadivar, M., Yagmaei, P., Kargar, S., Ghazi Zadeh, L. (2009), Effects of rat mesenchymal stem cells as a feeder layer in isolation and culture of mouse embryonic stem cells. Journal of Semnan University of Medical Sciences.