

Park J, Nguyen T, Park S, Hill B, Shadgan B, Gandjbakhche A. Two-Stream Convolutional Neural Networks for Breathing Pattern Classification: Real-Time Monitoring of Respiratory Disease Patients. Bioengineering. 2024; 11(7):709.

Nourizadeh M, Shadgan B, Abbasidezfouli S, Juricic M, Mulpuri K. Methods of muscle spasticity assessment in children with cerebral palsy: a scoping review. J Orthop Surg Res.2024;19:401.

Lingawi, S., Hutton, J., Khalili, Shadgan, B., Christenson, J., Grunau, B., Kuo, C. Cardiorespiratory Sensors and Their Implications for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Detection: A Systematic Review. Ann Biomed Eng (2024).

Arshdeep Khurana, Christopher Nguan, Kourosh Afshar, Purang Abolmaesumi, Babak Shadgan, “Near-infrared imaging for intraoperative evaluation of allograft viability and function in human kidney transplantation,” Proc. SPIE 12817, Advanced Photonics in Urology 2024, 128170F (10 April 2024);

Mehdi Nouri Zadeh, Aaron Mah, Justin K. M. Wyss, Jordan Johnson, Stefan Lazarevik, Arshdeep Khurana, Babak Shadgan, “Insight into brain-muscle oxygenation relationship before and after anaerobic threshold using near-infrared spectroscopy: a feasibility study,” Proc. SPIE 12838, Biophotonics in Exercise Science, Sports Medicine, Health Monitoring Technologies, and Wearables V, 1283809 (12 March 2024);

Shadgan B, Nourizadeh M, Saremi. Y608 EP054 – Unlocking enhanced exercise benefits: blood flow restriction for safer and more effective workouts in individuals with spinal cord injuries. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2024;58:A100-A101.

Khalili M, Lingawi S, Hutton J, Fordyce CB, Christenson J, Shadgan B, Grunau B, Kuo C. Detecting cardiac states with wearable photoplethysmograms and implications for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest detection. Sci Rep. 2024 Oct 5;14(1):23185.

hadgan B, Nourizadeh M, Saremi Y, Baktash L, Lazarevic S. Enhancing upper extremity muscle strength in individuals with spinal cord injury using low-intensity blood flow restriction exercise. J Rehabil Med. 2024 Sep 24;56:jrm40608.

Wyss J, Saremi Y, Begin J, Madden J, Shadgan B. Development of a pressure injury prevention algorithm using NIRS and ultrasound. J Wound Care. 2024 Sep 2;33(9):674. https://doi: 10.12968/jowc.2024.0205

Rein PL, Molnár Sz, Filipov R, Cikiriz N, Shadgan B, (2024), Small Intestine Perforation in An Elite Wrestler, A Case Report, J, Surgical Case Reports and Images, 7(4); DOI:10.31579/2690-1897/207Shadgan B, Butskiy O. Intraoperative Near-infrared Spectroscopy Can Predict Skin Flap Necrosis. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2024 Sep 10;12(9):e6155. doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000006155.

Lingawi S, Hutton J, Khalili M, Dainty KN, Grunau B, Shadgan B, Christenson J, Kuo C. Wearable devices for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A population survey on the willingness to adhere. J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open. 2024 Aug 25;5(5):e13268.

Shadgan B, Molavi N, Abaeva E, Falahati S, Sikimic S, Konstantinou L, Molnar S. Wrestling injuries during the 2016 Rio and 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. Br J Sports Med. 2024 Jul 25;58(15):818-825.


    Jacob Hutton, Brian Grunau, Michael Asamoah-Boaheng, Jim Christenson, Mahsa Khalili, Calvin Kuo, Saud Lingawi, Joseph H. Puyat, Babak Shadgan, Boris Sobolev. The Effect of Recognition on Survival after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest and Implications for Biosensor Technologies. Resuscitation. 2023, 109906, ISSN 0300-9572,

    Park J, Mah AJ, Nguyen T, Park S, Ghazi Zadeh L, Shadgan B, Gandjbakhche AH. Modification of a Conventional Deep Learning Model to Classify Simulated Breathing Patterns: A Step toward Real-Time Monitoring of Patients with Respiratory Infectious Diseases. Sensors. 2023; 23(12):5592.

    Katharina Raschdorf, Arman Mohseni, Kaavya Hogle, Amanda Cheung, Neda Manouchehri, Kitty So, Mahsa Khalili, Saud Lingawi, Brian Grunau, Calvin Kuo, Jim Christenson, Babak Shadgan. Evaluation of transcutaneous near-infrared spectroscopy for early detection of cardiac arrest in an animal model. Nature Scientific Reports, Sci Rep 13, 4537 (2023).

    Nouri Zadeh M, Mah A, Wyss J, Johnson J, Lazarevic S, Shadgan B. Investigating the relationship between prefrontal cortex oxygenation and locomotor muscle oxygenation during incremental exercise using near-infrared spectroscopy. CMBES Proc. [Internet]. 2023May14 [cited 2023May19];45. Available from:

    Wyss JKM, Mah AJ, Nouri Zadeh M, Johnson J, Lazarevik S, Shadgan B. Can Heart-Rate Monitors Predict Muscle Anaerobic Threshold during Intense Exercise? CMBES Proc. [Internet]. 2023May14 [cited 2023May19];45. Available from:

    Frank G, Raschdorf K, Zaidi A, Kwon B, Shadgan B. Where? Evaluation of Source-Detector Position in Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy. CMBES Proc. [Internet]. 2023May14 [cited 2023May19];45. Available from:

    J. K. M. Wyss, A. L. Roy, D. Zhou, J. Y. S. Chow, B. Argun, H. Rajoria, M. Nogami, J. Zhao, A. Cowan, B. Shadgan, John D. W. Madden, Investigating open and closed dielectric elastomer structures for the development of a soft flexible and stretchable pressure sensor array for pressure injury prevention, Proceedings Volume 12482, Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) XXV; 124820B (2023)

    Aaron Mah, Mehdi Nourizadeh, Justin Wyss, Shahbaz Askari, Babak Shadgan, “Predicting muscle anaerobic threshold by using a wearable optical sensor during exercise,” Proc. SPIE 12375, Biophotonics in Exercise Science, Sports Medicine, Health Monitoring Technologies, and Wearables IV, 123750B (6 March 2023);

    Aaron Mah, Donald Anderson, Shahbaz Askari, Sadra Khosravi, Oleksandr Butskiy, Babak Shadgan, “Optical monitoring of transplanted free flaps using an implantable near-infrared spectroscopy sensor,” Proc. SPIE 12375, Biophotonics in Exercise Science, Sports Medicine, Health Monitoring Technologies, and Wearables IV, 123750C (6 March 2023);

    Shahbaz Askari, Zoya J. R. Bastany, Guy A. Dumont, Babak Shadgan, “Active noise cancelling in near-infrared spectroscopy,” Proc. SPIE 12375, Biophotonics in Exercise Science, Sports Medicine, Health Monitoring Technologies, and Wearables IV, 1237504 (6 March 2023);


    Mah AJ, Nguyen T, Ghazi Zadeh L, Shadgan A, Khaksari K, Nourizadeh M, Zaidi A, Park S, Gandjbakhche AH, Shadgan B. Optical Monitoring of Breathing Patterns and Tissue Oxygenation: A Potential Application in COVID-19 Screening and Monitoring. Sensors. 2022; 22(19):7274.

    Jacob Hutton, Saud Lingawi, Joseph Puyat, Calvin Kuo, Babak Shadgan, Jim Christenson, Brian Grunau. Sensor technologies to detect out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A systematic review of diagnostic test performance. Resuscitation Plus, Volume 11, 2022, 100277, ISSN 2666-5204.

    Amanda Cheung, Lorna Tu, Andrew Macnab, Brian K. Kwon, Babak Shadgan, “Detection of hypoxia by near-infrared spectroscopy and pulse oximetry: a comparative study,”J. Biomed. Opt.27(7), 077001 (2022),

    Frank G, Askari S, Raschdorf K, Khosravi S, Kwon BK, Shadgan B. The Effects of Silicone Enclosure Colour on the Function of Optical Sensors. Biology (Basel). 2022 Jun 19;11(6):932. PMID: 35741453; PMCID: PMC9220147.

    K. Afshar, B. Shadgan, B. Tolouei, “Optical monitoring in kidney transplant,” Proc. SPIE 11958, Optical Interactions with Tissue and Cells XXXIII; and Advanced Photonics in Urology, 119580A (16 March 2022). DOI:

    Aaron Mah, Leili Ghazi Zadeh, Mahta Khoshnam Tehrani, Shahbaz Askari, Babak Shadgan. Studying the accuracy of infrared thermography for measuring core body temperature. Proc. SPIE 11956, Biophotonics in Exercise Science, Sports Medicine, Health Monitoring Technologies, and Wearables III, 119560E (2 March 2022). DOI:

    Amanda Cheung, Shahbaz Askari, Farnaz Sahragard, Katharina Raschdorf, Megan Webster, Audrey Warner, Jay Ethridge, Kitty So, Garret Frank, Julia Hill, Femke Streijger, Brian Kwon, Babak Shadgan. A method for the fixation of an implantable spinal cord NIRS sensor. Proc. SPIE 11956, Biophotonics in Exercise Science, Sports Medicine, Health Monitoring Technologies, and Wearables III, 1195606 (2 March 2022). DOI:

    Shahbaz Askari, Zoya Bastany, Baran Askari, Babak Shadgan, Guy Dumont. Combined near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and electroencephalography (EEG) in gamma-band during pain perception. Proc. SPIE 11956, Biophotonics in Exercise Science, Sports Medicine, Health Monitoring Technologies, and Wearables III, 1195604 (2 March 2022). DOI:

    Farnaz Sahragard, Amanda Cheung, Femke Streijger, Shahbaz Askari, Brian Kwon, Babak Shadgan. “Histological assessment of an implantable optical sensor and spinal cord tissue interface, Proc. SPIE 11956, Biophotonics in Exercise Science, Sports Medicine, Health Monitoring Technologies, and Wearables III, 1195607 (2 March 2022). DOI:

    Justin K. M. Wyss, Leili Ghazi, John D. W. Madden, Babak Shadgan. Studying the effects of externally applied pressure on soft tissue oxygenation. Proc. SPIE, 11956, Biophotonics in Exercise Science, Sports Medicine, Health Monitoring Technologies, and Wearables III, 119560A (2 March 2022).


    Mah AJ, Ghazi Zadeh L, Khoshnam Tehrani M, Askari S, Gandjbakhche AH, Shadgan B. Studying the Accuracy and Function of Different Thermometry Techniques for Measuring Body Temperature. Biology. 2021; 10(12):1327.

    Jessica C. Ramella-Roman, Amir H. Gandjbakhche, Stephen C. Kanick, Babak Shadgan, Bruce J. Tromberg, “Special Section Guest Editorial: Wearable, Implantable, Mobile, and Remote Biomedical Optics and Photonics,” J. Biomed. Opt. 2021;26(6):062701.

    Kosar Khaksari, Thien Nguyen, Brian Hill, Timothy Quang, John Perreault, Viswanath Gorti, Ravi Malpani, Emily Blick, Tomás González Cano, Babak Shadgan, Amir H. Gandjbakhche. A review of the efficacy of infrared thermography for screening infectious diseases with applications to COVID-19. Journal of Medical Imaging. J. Med. Imag. 8(S1) 010901 (3/25/2021).

    F. Sahragard, A. Cheung, F. Streijger, A. Macnab, B.K. Kwon, B. Shadgan. Testing the safety of a custom NIRS sensor designed to monitor spinal cord hemodynamics. Proc. SPIE, Proc. SPIE 11651, Optical Diagnostics and Sensing XXI: Toward Point-of-Care Diagnostics, 116510L (March 2021). DOI:

    Shadgan, Babak; Gandjbakhche, Amir H. Biophotonics in Exercise Science, Sports Medicine, Health Monitoring Technologies, and Wearables II. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 11638, (April 2021). DOI:

    Cheung, L. Tu, N. F. Sahragard, A. Macnab, B.K. Kwon, B. Shadgan. Detecting oxygenation changes after hypoxia: pulse oximetry vs. near infrared spectroscopy. Proc. SPIE, Volume 11638, Biophotonics in Exercise Science, Sports Medicine, Health Monitoring Technologies, and Wearables II, 116380K (March 2021). DOI:


    Cheung A, Tu L, Manuchehri N, Kim KT, So K, Webster M, Fisk S, Tigchelaar S, Dalkilic S, Sayre E, Streijger F, Macnab A, Kwon B, Shadgan B. Continuous optical monitoring of spinal cord oxygenation and hemodynamics during the first seven days post-injury in a porcine model of acute spinal cord injury. J Neurotrauma. 2020 Nov 1;37(21):2292-2301.

    Newton E, Butskiy O, Shadgan B, Anderson DW. Outcomes of free flap reconstructions with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) monitoring; a systematic review. Microsurgery, 2020 Feb;40(2):268-275.

    Cheung A, Tu L, Sahragard F, Shadgan B. Comparison of forearm muscle oxygenation dynamics during isometric and isotonic contraction monitored by near-infrared spectroscopy. Proc. SPIE, Volume 11237, Biophotonics in Exercise Science, Sports Medicine, Health Monitoring Technologies, and Wearables, 112370O (21 February 2020). DOI:

    Harishkumar Narayana, Yanan Shao, Zenan Jiang, Sapna Srinivasan, Katherine Le, Su Thida Htun, Ayumi Imaizumi, Amir Servati, Saeid Soltanian, Frank Ko, Babak Shadgan, Peyman Servati. Muscle physiology detection in movement using multimodal wearable sensing e-textile. Paper 11237-14. 2020 Photonics West Conference, San Francisco, (Feb 2020).

    Elliott Boake, Michael Koehle, Assaf Yogev, Behnam Molavi, Babak Shadgan. Quadriceps muscle oxygenation dynamics during an exhaustive cycling test as measured by a wearable near infrared spectroscopy device. Paper 11237-15. 2020 Photonics West Conference, San Francisco, Feb 2020.

    Amanda Cheung, Lorna Tu, Neda Manouchehri, Kitty So, Megan Webster, Shera Fisk, Femke Streijger, Andrew Macnab, Brian K. Kwon, Babak Shadgan. Continuous optical monitoring of spinal cord hemodynamics during the first week post-injury in a porcine model of acute spinal cord injury. Paper 11247-8. 2020 Photonics West Conference, San Francisco (Feb 2020). DOI:

    Cheung A, L. Tu, N. Manuchehri, K.T. Kim, K. So, M. Webster, S. Fisk, S. Tigchelaar, S.S. Dalkilic, F. Streijger, A. Macnab, B.K. Kwon, B. Shadgan. Using near-infrared spectroscopy to monitor spinal cord oxygenation in the injured spinal cord. Proc. SPIE, Volume 11247, Optical Diagnostics and Sensing XX: Toward Point-of-Care Diagnostics; 1124709 (2020). DOI:


    Shadgan B, Allan Fong, Neda Manouchehri, Kitty So, Katelyn Shortt, Femke Streijger, Andrew Macnab, and Brian Kwon. “Changes of mean arterial pressure affect spinal cord oxygenation as monitored by an implantable near-infrared spectroscopy sensor in an animal model of acute spinal cord injury,” Proc. SPIE 10885, Optical Diagnostics and Sensing XIX: Toward Point-of-Care Diagnostics, 108850F (Mar 2019). DOI:

    L. Tu, B. Shadgan, A. Cheung, N. Manouchehri, F. Streijger, A. Macnab, and B.K. Kwon, “Continuous monitoring of spinal cord hemodynamics using an optical sensor,” Canadian Spinal Cord Injury Research Biannual Meeting, 2019.

    Tahereh Rashnavadi, Andrew Macnab, Amanda Cheung, Brian K. Kwon, Babak Shadgan. Monitoring Spinal Cord Hemodynamics and Tissue Oxygenation: A Review of the Literature with Special Focus on the Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Technique. Nature Spinal Cord 57, 617–625 (2019). (Invited paper)

    Shadgan B, Macnab A, Fong A, Manouchehri N, So K, Shortt K, Streijger F, Cripton P, Sayre E, Guy D, Pagano R, Kim K, Kwon B.K., Optical Assessment of Spinal Cord Tissue Oxygenation Using a Miniaturized Near Infrared Spectroscopy Sensor. Journal of Neurotrauma, 2019 Nov 1;36(21):3034-3043.  

    Ethan Newton, Oleksandr Butskiy, Babak Shadgan, Eitan Prisman, Donald Anderson “Outcomes of free flap reconstructions with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) monitoring; a systematic review.” Canadian Society of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery 73rd Annual General Meeting. June 2019. Edmonton, Canada.


    Shadgan B, Manouchehri N, So K, Shortt K, Streijger F, Macnab A, Kwon B. Optical Monitoring of Spinal Cord Subcellular Damage After Acute Spinal Cord Injury. Proc. SPIE, 105010L (Feb. 2018). DOI:

    Macnab A.J., Panago R., Kwon B., Dumont G., Shadgan B. Attenuation of near-infrared light by fibrin bioadhesive. Journal of Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging. Proc. SPIE, 105010M (Feb. 2018). DOI:

    Stothers L, Deegan E., Shadgan B., Macnab A., Kavanagh A., Nigro M., Telemedicine for management of neurogenic bladder and urinary tract infection prevention in individuals with spinal cord injury. The Journal of Urology, Vol. 199, No. 4S, Supplement May 2018.

    Locke J., Rebullar K., Shadgan B., Stothers L., Teichman J., Nigro M. Feasibility of an infrared spectroscopy device as a diagnostic tool for interstitial cystitis. Neurourology and urodynamics, 2018;37: S668-S669.

    Stothers L., Deegan E., Shadgan B., Macnab A., Kavanagh A., Nigro M. Interactive telemedicine platform for management of neurogenic bladder and urinary tract infection prevention for individuals with traumatic and non-traumatic spinal cord injury. Neurourology and urodynamics, 2018;37: S575-S575.

    Pagano R., Wiens M.O., Shadgan B., Lowlaavar N., Napoleone G., Dumont G.A., Kumbakumba E., Ansermino J.M. An Observational Study of Peripheral Muscle Oxygenation Using NIRS in a Cohort of Nourished and Malnourished Children with Pneumonia. Anesthesia and analgesia, 2018;127:Suppl 94-95.